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Monday, March 27, 2006

Distribution of Migration Patterns in North Malaita Constituency

Data reported in this news was obtained at a SIDAPP Workshop in April 2000, and may not neccessarily represent the current migration patterns in North Malaita Constituency.

The number of people that went out from Ward 7 during the last five years was 762. Most went to Honiara either in search of employment or for educational purposes and the rest either went to Guadalcanal, Western Province or to other parts of Malaita.

Of the total population that went out from ward 7, 677 people came back, mainly from Honiara and Guadalcanal. That represented about 88.8 per cent of the total population that went out.

The number of population coming in to Ward 7 over the last few years was 158. They came from other parts of Malaita namely, Lau Baelelea, South Malaita, Kwara'ae, and Fataleka. A few of them came from other provinces, especially Isabel, Western Province, Tikopia and Temotu.

In Ward 8, the total number of people that migrated to other parts of the country and the province was 300. About 65 per cent went to Honiara and the rest went to Auki and Western Province.

The number of people that came back was 368. This indicated that some families may have new children whilst away. Most came back from Honiara. Also, the number of new settlers coming in was 262 due mainly through inter-marriages and the unrest on Guadalcanal.

Ward 9 experienced the least number of people that migrated during the last several years 181 people. About 75.7 per cent went to Honiara, 16 per cent to Guadalcanal and 8.3 per cent to other parts of the country. Out of those that went out, 164 came back mainly from Honiara and Guadalacanal. The number of population that came into the ward was 82 most of whom from Honiara and other parts of Malaita.

Source: PF Network

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